Alcoholics Anonymous



For the "Alcoholics Anonymous" It's a debut: Zum ersten Mal spielt die Mannschaft überhaupt zusammen – dazu haben sie sich das Charity-Event-Turnier ausgesucht. A goal they have with the tactics of "deep, clap, tief“ dennoch schon im Blick: The dowels must ago. Schließlich wollen die „Anonymen Alkoholiker“ ihrem Namen alle Ehre machen!



  1. Why did you decide, your shoes for charity event e.V. To lace night football tournament?


Because of the fun of football games, the charity and of course drinking.



  1. To shoot the round leather into triangular network, you have surely an ingenious tactic – what is the out?


Deep, clap, deep.



  1. Do you have a ritual before or as a team. after the Games?


Since we are playing for the first time together, we will have to find one.

  1. Convinced us – why should the fans stand behind your team?


Because we aim for the dowels.



  1. What music is playing on your victory?





  1. Accompanies you to the "Golden Gobbler" to conquer your team spirit even up to the counter?


In any case, the yes is also reflected in our team name again. Doubly motivated we are, of course,, because the proceeds go to a good cause.


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