Die bombischen Norweger-verbessert

High Ball Art in a tasteful combination with hard concrete football - that's the "bombischen Norwegians" already brought the victory at the last charity event tournament. This repeated this success, remains the team to its sophisticated tactics "flat play, high gain "loyal. Whether the bombischen Norwegians is also granted to a victory in the category "Golden Gobbler", However, the team has yet to provide proof of.


  1. Why did you decide, your shoes for charity event e.V. To lace night football tournament?


We want to build on the strong performance of last charity event tournament and win the trophy!



  1. To shoot the round leather into triangular network, you have surely an ingenious tactic – what is the out?


Our tactic is: Play flat, high gain!


  1. Do you have a ritual before or as a team. after the Games?



  1. Convinced us – why should the fans stand behind your team?


Our fans are definitely behind us, because we manage to combine high ball art with concrete football.


  1. What music is playing on your victory?




  1. Accompanies you to the "Golden Gobbler" to conquer your team spirit even up to the counter?


Anyone can drink one to two cyclists.


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