03.11.2018, Hachenburg

Am 03.11.2018 we were busy collecting donations for Emely with the Lions Club Montabaur-Hachenburg. Emely was up to 4. Year of life a completely normal girl. In September 2016 was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma near the brain stem. The first operation was in Giessen in September, the second in January 2017 in Berlin and the third in November 2017. Because the tumor cannot be completely removed, it has grown again and again and has therefore had to be operated on three times. Since November, the rest has not grown at the moment. A check is carried out in Berlin every four months.

Unfortunately, the consequences of the ops are a left facial paralysis and a left-sided body restriction.

Since the trip to Berlin for regular health checks is not covered by the health insurance, we supported Emely's family with the donations made at the Katharinenmarkt in Hachenburg.

We are very grateful for the great approval and support.