

A meal on Christmas night 2021

Soon it's time again – Christmas is just around the corner and with it our annual Christmas campaign "(K,,en,a meal on Christmas night 2019,,de,Phillippinen,,en,THANKS A LOT,,tl,A few days have passed,,de,since then for our annual Christmas project ",,de,a dinner on Christmas night "for your support and donations,,de,And what can we say,,de,Absolutely fantastic,,de,were received within a few weeks,,de,Thanks to your help, the year has,,de,ended with a special Christmas surprise for many children in the Philippines,,de,For that we want with all our heart,,de,D A N K E,,en,say and let you share in the pricelessly beautiful moments with bright children's eyes,,de,Altogether, our longstanding and loyal Esther Wittstock has launched three campaigns,,de,Christmas under the bridge,,en)a meal in […]

Construction of a water treatment plant,de (Philippines)

Last year we started together with our longtime member Esther Wittstock,,de,to build a water treatment plant on the island of Siargao,,de,Esther currently lives and works in Manila and can organize and supervise the project on site without any problems and as usual,,de,Unfortunately, quite a few unfortunate circumstances came together,,de,so the project could only proceed very slowly,,de,earthquake,,de,Volcanic eruption and now the corona crisis,,de,middle of March,,de,but the time has come,,de,the construction of the water treatment plant is finished,,de,The building,,de,in which the system is located,,de,was finished inside and out and hand painted with our logo,,de,The charity event is very proud of the result,,de,We would like to thank all helpers from the bottom of our hearts,,de, eine Wasseraufbereitungsanlage auf der Insel Siargao zu […]

“(K,,en,a meal on Christmas night 2019,,de,Phillippinen,,en,THANKS A LOT,,tl,A few days have passed,,de,since then for our annual Christmas project ",,de,a dinner on Christmas night "for your support and donations,,de,And what can we say,,de,Absolutely fantastic,,de,were received within a few weeks,,de,Thanks to your help, the year has,,de,ended with a special Christmas surprise for many children in the Philippines,,de,For that we want with all our heart,,de,D A N K E,,en,say and let you share in the pricelessly beautiful moments with bright children's eyes,,de,Altogether, our longstanding and loyal Esther Wittstock has launched three campaigns,,de,Christmas under the bridge,,en)ein Essen in der Weihnachtsnacht 2019”, Phillippinen


Es sind bereits einige Tage vergangen, seitdem wir für unser alljährliches Weihnachtsprojekt „(K,,en,a meal on Christmas night 2019,,de,Phillippinen,,en,THANKS A LOT,,tl,A few days have passed,,de,since then for our annual Christmas project ",,de,a dinner on Christmas night "for your support and donations,,de,And what can we say,,de,Absolutely fantastic,,de,were received within a few weeks,,de,Thanks to your help, the year has,,de,ended with a special Christmas surprise for many children in the Philippines,,de,For that we want with all our heart,,de,D A N K E,,en,say and let you share in the pricelessly beautiful moments with bright children's eyes,,de,Altogether, our longstanding and loyal Esther Wittstock has launched three campaigns,,de,Christmas under the bridge,,en)ein Essen in der Weihnachtsnacht“ um eure […]

Wasser für die Familien von „Gawad Kalinga“ auf der Insel Siargao, Philippines


Derzeitige Projektkosten: 3500 Euro – Laufend

Ort: Siargao Island, Philippines

Von weitem strahlen sie in der Sonne. Sie sind wunderschön anzusehen. […]

Hilfe für die Rohingya-Flüchtlinge in Myanmar


Spendenprojekt: Flüchtlingskrise in Myanmar und Bangladesch – Hilfe für die Rohingya-Flüchtlinge
Spendensumme: 775,00 €

Ein Dach über dem Kopf, ein warmes Bett, […]

Jahresprojekt 2017: Wasser für die Menschen der Mülldeponie in Davao City, Philippines



Was für einen Großteil der Bevölkerung absolut wertlos ist, ist für die Menschen auf der Mülldeponie in Davao City das […]

Hilfe für die Lumads auf den Philippinen

Unser langjähriges Mitglied Esther Wittstock, die seit einiger Zeit auch im Spendenausschuss bei Charity-Event e.V. aktiv ist, berichtet von ihren […]

Weihnachten in Davao (Philippines)

Weihnachtsaktion auf den Philippinen


Fundraising goal: Davao-Weihnachtsaktion

Amount of the donation: 940,00 €

Hintergrund und weitere Informationen:

Text zum Spendenaufruf:

Unser langjähriges Mitglied Esther Wittstock kann sich nach vielen […]

School under a bridge (Yangon, Myanmar)


Donation to: „School under a bridge“ – Schule unter einer Brücke in Yangon (Hauptstadt von Myanmar, Südostasien)

Amount of the donation: 450,00 […]

Flüchtlingshilfe im Libanon (in Kooperation mit Syrian Eyes)

Freizeit- und Unterrichtsraum für Flüchtlingsfamilien im Libanon

Freizeit- und Unterrichtsraum für Flüchtlingsfamilien im Libanon (Beeka Valley) in Kooperation mit “Syrian Eyes”.

Spendenhöhe: […]

Wiederaufbau einer Grundschule, Provinz Leyte (Philippines)

Projektname: Wiederaufbau einer Grundschule in Bantigue Ormoc/ Purok (Provinz Leyte, Philippines) // in Kooperation mit World Vision (vor Ort) und […]

Ausbau der Grundschule im Flüchtlingslager Atmeh, Syrien

Projektname: Ausbau der Amal Schule im Flüchtlingslager Atmeh in Syrien
Amount of the donation: 3.000,00 €

Hintergrund und weitere Informationen:

“Schule der Hoffnung” – […]

School supplies for a primary school in New Bataan (Philippines)

Donation to: Charity-Event e.V. (own project)

Amount of the donation: 1.500 €

Funded by: Wagtails tournament 2013, informative accompanying by WHU Workshop (Sensability)

Period: January – November […]

Rebuilding a devastated by typhoon primary school (Philippines)

Projektname: Victory Elementary School on the island of Leyte, Philippines

Amount of the donation: 12.000€

Funded by: Donations from charity event e.V., in cooperation […]